Cycling easily along the canal towpath, I got a strange reading on my heart monitor. My pulse suddenly jumped up by 20 beats a minute. I stopped for a little while and my heart rate went back to normal. But why on earth did this jump happen? I was going along the flat towpath, not up a steep hill. There had to be something wrong with the equipment. I changed the chest strap and tried again. The strange elevations in my heart rate continued, seemingly at random. Oh drat, it must be an intermittent fault in the sensor or the cycle computer. But this equipment was expensive and made in Germany. So I tested my heart with a finger sensor while one of the elevations was happening. Christ, my heart was actually going at 20 beats above normal. I went to the GP and he referred me to cardiology. The next week, my phone rang: it was the local hospital. When I got over the shock, I was delighted by how quickly they’d responded. They asked me a series of questions. Did I have any pain when my heart rate went up? Not really, I said. They pressed me further. Well, sometimes I did get a bit of tightness on the right-hand side of my chest. Very interesting, they said. The call continued for almost an hour, they seemed to be working their way through a questionnaire. At the end they said I might have a cardiac problem, but they’d only know for sure after I’d done a couple of tests. Good, I said, eager to get some answers. There is a waiting list, they said. Oh, how long? Nine months for the first test, they said, and about two years for the second. Hell, I knew that Northern Ireland had the worst waiting lists in the UK. But I never expected it to be that bad for a possible heart problem. What could I do?
I went to see the GP again. He referred me to see a cardiologist privately. Several weeks later I walked through the shiny portals of a brand new private hospital in Belfast. It was very busy, of course. The cardiologist took my history and asked for my symptoms. He said that my heart rate elevation wasn’t in itself serious, but it could indicate that there might be an underlying problem. He explained that I needed three cardiac tests. I’d be called in for them in a couple of weeks, and I’d see him in a month or so to get the results. I offered heartfelt thanks to my dearest T, who had the presence of mind to enrol us in Benenden health insurance. For a small monthly fee you are able to access private healthcare for diagnostic tests. It’s a valuable scheme because it helps you with something that the NHS has become increasingly slow to carry out. Understandably, Benenden has become very popular. Recently they put up the length of time you have to be a member before you can claim. When we joined it was six months. Now it’s two years.